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The August Break >>

Remember how I was all "blah blah not feeling motivated blah blah" the other day? Well, the flying spaghetti monster must have heard my whining, because last night I came across The August Break.
It's hosted by Susannah Conway, and has been going for 4 years running now. Basically, it's a month to post pictures only, with maybe a word or two, or maybe not. It's pretty free-form, you don't have to do it everyday, you can post one pic or many, etc. There's also a whole bunch of other optional components: a flickr group, an Instagram hashtag, photo prompts, a link up. But the part I like best is that they're all optional.

I'm going home to Minnesota to visit family for half of August already, so this seems like a great way to keep up, while also taking a break at the same time. I'll post a few regular posts here and there as well, but I think I'll mostly do a photo or two, especially while I'm traveling.

Anyone want to join me?

shanti >> sondra



  1. I am planning to participate in this (at some point).

  2. I am getting on the bandwagon late, but I managed my first prompt today! We'll see what happens from this point out...I love seeing all the other posts, that's for sure!

  3. abhaya_sondra8/7/13, 11:57 AM

    Welcome to the wagon! I'm terrible at keeping up with these things, so we'll see how I do. I think the best part is that you don't HAVE to do it everyday, just when you remember or feel like it. So glad you're trying it!

  4. abhaya_sondra8/7/13, 11:59 AM

    yeah, get up in this! Do you do instagram?

  5. Actually no. :( Is it a smartphone thing or iPhone only? Either way, I don't have a smartphone (yet - my hubby and I were thinking around the holidays when Black Friday sales come in and such).

  6. abhaya_sondra8/10/13, 5:49 PM

    you can get it on any android phone or iphone, as long as it's new-er (anything that's come out in the last 2 years should be up to date enough). it's such a fun way to share photos! if you get a new phone this fall, let me know!
