Happy Sunday, compadres! Boy, am I excited for this day to be over! I don't usually say that, what with my intention to try and live in the present and all, but today is my very last day of work for nearly 4 months. Yeeee! That's just 8 hours standing between me and summer break...pretty sweet. Plus, Mad Men is on tonight, so double win for today.
In the meantime, I'm having Emily from Some Girl - a Diary over for a visit. You may have noticed her hanging out in my sidebar, but here's your chance to get to know the girl behind the button. :) Like what you see here? Why don't you pop on over to her neck of the woods and check out some more of her awesome skillz! Take it away, Emily!
Five things that make me happy...

5.) JAKE COOPER. He is my husband in 46 days and I love him more than anything. He fills my gas tank every time, buys me candy, takes me on dates, lets me choose the movie, doesn't complain when I fall asleep twenty minutes into every movie, gives me back rubs, works so I don't have to, moves my stuff for me, supports me in whatever I do, and is just so great over all. He is the number one thing that makes me happy and I have no idea where I would be without him. I can't wait to spend forever with him!
Those are the things that make me happy. Being happy should be everyone's goal. I blog over at Some Girl - A Diary and I'd love to hear your thoughts on appreciating life and the little things. Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope it brightened your day in some way!
In the meantime, I'm having Emily from Some Girl - a Diary over for a visit. You may have noticed her hanging out in my sidebar, but here's your chance to get to know the girl behind the button. :) Like what you see here? Why don't you pop on over to her neck of the woods and check out some more of her awesome skillz! Take it away, Emily!
Five things that make me happy...
1.) Traveling! This photo was taken on my way home from D.C. just a couple weeks ago. Probably my favorite place that I've been so far is northern India. It was absolutely gorgeous there. The foothills of the Himalayas were to die for. I'm headed to Cancun at the end of June and then Japan next spring! There's nothing better than getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing other cultures!
2.) My dog, Trixie. We picnic together at Fairyland (sandwiches and cracker cookies), go for Sunday tea at Beans and Brews, cuddle and watch movies, sleep in the same bed every night, and share bagels on the kitchen table. BFFs here, you guys.
3.) Photography! I take my camera everywhere. I love taking photos, editing photos, looking at photos, talking about photos, literally everything. There is just so much beauty that can be captures and saved forever. I like the thought that you can save a moment in time forever. You know?
4.) School. I know this sounds weird, but I hate not being in school. It drives me nuts. Throughout high school, I took online classes and my senior year was a breeze because of it. Now that I'm in college, I do independent study packets. I just feel like summers are such a waste of time, unless I'm doing something that will progress my life in some way. It's a weird, restless thing, but then again, I'm a weird, restless person. Ha ha ha.

5.) JAKE COOPER. He is my husband in 46 days and I love him more than anything. He fills my gas tank every time, buys me candy, takes me on dates, lets me choose the movie, doesn't complain when I fall asleep twenty minutes into every movie, gives me back rubs, works so I don't have to, moves my stuff for me, supports me in whatever I do, and is just so great over all. He is the number one thing that makes me happy and I have no idea where I would be without him. I can't wait to spend forever with him!
Those are the things that make me happy. Being happy should be everyone's goal. I blog over at Some Girl - A Diary and I'd love to hear your thoughts on appreciating life and the little things. Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope it brightened your day in some way!
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So funny, my husband and his cat used to share bagels on the kitchen table when we started dating. Haha. That is love...